Questions or comments about Curzon?
You might find the answers you are looking for on our FAQ pages. If you can't find the help you need, please fill in the contact form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
To view our current job vacancies, please visit the Careers page.
If you would prefer to speak to our support team, just call the relevant number below. Our call centre is open Monday to Sunday between 10am and 6pm.
- CUSTOMER SERVICE - Tel: 01233 555644
Local rates service. Please be aware, it is not possible to book tickets via this number. - TICKET BOOKING - Tel: 08719 642838
Calls to the ticket booking line cost 13p per minute, plus your service provider fees. Please be aware that there is a £2 booking fee for phone bookings. Click here to book online. - PRIVATE HIRES - Tel: 0207 953 2172
Call or email for enquiries about hiring our cinemas.
Alternatively, please complete the Private Hires Contact Form here.
Please state the name of the venue you are enquiring about at the beginning of your message to allow us to address your query faster.